Our Mission
Our School

Welcome to Eagle Ridge Academy's Robotics Team

We are FRC Team 6749 and we are excited to compete, learn, innovate, and create! In our workspaces and during competition we are comitted to spreading positivity and uplifting ideas among ourselves and other team. We welcome you to our website and hope you can learn more about our team. 

Our Team's mission

Our robotics team is committed to helping students learn and develop a passion for all things STEAM-related. Our goal is to make it as far in the competition as we can in order to share our ideas with other teams and individuals. As FRC states, the competition is "More than robots", robotics is all about sharing ideas and ensuring the growth of young adults as they prepare to enter the world, and here at ERA, we could not agree more. Our robotics program is heavily student based meaning that the students do the majority of the work while mentors chip in sometimes to make sure things go well.

Eagle Ridge Academy

Eagle Ridge Academy's mission statement "Is to engage all students in a time-tested, classical liberal arts education that demands their best in academic achievement and honorable character while challenging them to attain their highest potential". Eagle Ridge provides students with a classical education with limiting availiability to STEAM options. Robotics provides students here at ERA with such options. Our robotics students are happy to have a place at ERA where they can learn STEAM properties.
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